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Learn how to use "vi" editor with FreeBSD

Advanced editing using vi
This file gives a more detailed description of the vi command set.


To leave the Insert mode, press 'Esc'
a        Append after cursor
A        Append after end of current line
i        Insert before cursor
I        Insert before beginning of current line
o        Open new line below current line and insert
O        Open new line above current line and insert
CTRL-vchar   While inserting, ignore special meaning of char
        (e.g., for inserting characters like Esc and control
:r file     Read file, and insert after current line
J        Join next line to end of current line


CTRL-h or
Backspace    While in Input Mode delete previous character

Typing a number before these commands will delete that amount of characters,
  words, or lines.
x        Deletes current character
dw       Delete current word
dd       Deletes current line

:n,md      Deletes lines n through m
D or d$     Delete from cursor to end of current line
dcursor_cmd   Delete text to cursor to cursor_cmd(e.g.,dG deletes from
        current line to end of file)


u        Undo last command
U        Restore current line to original state
"np       Retrieve last nth delete(last 9 deletes are in a buffer)"
n        Repeat last / or ? search command
N        Repeat, in reverse direction, last / or ? search command
; (semi-colon) Repeat last f, F, t or T search command
, (comma)    Repeat, in reverse direction, last f, F, t or T search
. (period)   Repeat last text change command


k or CTRL-p   Up
j or CTRL-j or
CTRL-n     Down
h or CTRL-h  
or Backspace  Left
l (lower case L)
or Spacebar   Right
w or W     Start of next word; W ignores punctuation
b or B     Start of previous word; B ignores punctuation
e or E     End of next word; E ignores punctuation
0 (zero)
or | (pipe)   First column in current line
n|       Column n in current line
^ (caret)    First non-blank character in current line
$        Last character in current line
+ or Return   First character in next line
-        First non-blank character in previous line
1G       First line in file
G        Last line in file
G$       Last character in file
nG       Line n in file
(        Back to beginning of sentence
)        Forward to beginning of next sentence
\{        Back to beginning of paragraph
\}        Forward to beginning of next paragraph


Pattern matching characters help find strings with similar char-

:set magic   Allow pattern matching with special characters
:set nomagic  Allow only ^ and $ as special characters
^ (caret)    Match beginning of line
$        Match end of line
. (period)   Match any single character
\<       Match beginning of word
\>       Match end of word
[str]      Match any single character in str
[^str]     Match any character not in str
[a-n]      Match any character between a and n
*        Match zero or more occurrences of previous character
        in expression
\        Escape meaning of next character(e.g. \$ lets you
        search for $)
\\       Escape the \ character


ZZ or :wq or
:x       Save file and exit vi
:w file     Save file but do not exit. Omitting file saves current
:w! file    Save file overriding normal checking
:n,mw file   Write lines n through m to file
:n,mw>>file   Append lines n through m to end of file
:q       Leave vi, saving changes before last write
        (you may be prompted to save first)
:q!       Leave vi without saving any changes since last write
Q        Escape vi into ex editor with same file; :vi returns
:e!       File-edit current file, disregarding changes since last


f<char>     Search forward in current line to <char>
F<char>     Search backwards in curretn line to <char>
/<string>    Find next occurence of <string>
?<string>    Find previous occurence of <string>
:set ic     Ingnore case while searching
:set noic    Case sensitive while searching (default)


:n,m s/<str1>/<str2>/<opt>   Search from n to m for <str1> and replace
                it with <str2> with option <opt>. 
                <opt> can be c - confirm changes
                       g - global replace
                       p - to print changed lines
(Ex- :1,$ s/foo/bar/g     Replaces every occurence of "foo" with the
                string "bar".) 

:g/<str>/<cmd>         Run <cmd> on all lines that contain <str>
:g/<str1>/s/<str2>/<str3>/   Find line containing <str1>, replace <str2>
                with <str3>
:v/<str>/<cmd>         Execute <cmd> on all lines that do not
                match <str>  


( These commands may be preceded by a number to multiply commands )
yy or Y    Yank current line into the buffer ( copy )
nyy or nY   Yank n amount of line into buffer
p       Insert line(s) in buffer after cursor; also prints
       last deleted text
P       Insert line(s) in buffer before cursor


:set all     Displays all options you may "set"
:set showmode  Displays "INPUT MODE" while in input mode
:set tabstop=n  Sets the tabwidth of the tab key to n spaces;
         8 is default, but 4 may be preferable
:set list    Displays all control characters in document;
         end of lines are shown as '$'  

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